Soon on October the time will change, it will’ be one hour less .I don’t like this kind of things because it provokes that you get confused and the first days is hard to wake up for the cold weather ‘cause next month will be Winter, and the forecast shows us that in those days will come a front cold, so you have to change your closet and change your T-shirts for sweaters.
Most of the people feel happy when the temperature is under 15 ° in this way they don’t sweat , but I would like that all the year was summer, in this way you can dress with light clothes and feel fresh. I would like to live in Acapulco because there the weather is hot almost all the year and I could go to swim to its beach.
Instead of I’d like to see snow but only for pleasure is the unique thing that make me staying for few days in a cold place …I don know for example in Canada! I guess that there the scenery when snow is beautiful, if I had money the first thing that I shall do is buy a ticket and go to Canada to do an angel on the snow. It’s a wish that I hope come true as pronto as possible of course when I can pay my own bills.
It was writing for me last Monday but I don’t have access to the internet, so it is my first free time to come to the CIBER..
Well I have to leave you for now, I’ll come back to do next entry for this week. Bye...
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