A conceited person will walk into that same room and feel insecure about herself or himself but instead of showing it will tell everyone how great they are.
Conceit is shown by people who not only are not critical towards themselves, but also underestimate their own self worth. They can only see the good side of themselves, they have no bad side. With a conceited person everything is easy to do and they never acknowledge a mistake was made on their part. They always think they have the answers and theirs is the best answer. Conceited people have an excessively high opinion of their abilities, appearance, and material things. These people will like to show off quite a lot and will tell you how what you have is not as good as what they have. They constantly boast about how “confident” they are and how they always speak their mind.
I have met a man before who boasted about how no one will talk to him this way or do treat him any kind of way, he always tends to be very rude and I can just see the insecurity in he when he’s afraid ‘cause he never shows us the true side of him. It always makes me think of the saying “his bark is worse than his bite”.
When a person is confident, they never have to tell you they are. They will just exude confidence. They are not afraid to admit making mistakes and have a plan on how to not make that mistake again. Confidence isn’t about proving to anyone else just how great you are, it’s a feeling you have inside that just shows to everyone around. I am always in awe of truly confident people. It is so incredible the way every action they make is just another fact showing their confidence.
A confident person knows she can do anything she sets her mind to. A conceited person wants everyone else to know she can do anything and everything.
How do you feel around confident people vs. conceited people? Would you be able recognize if you were conceited, I am thinking yes, but what do you think? Maybe some conceited people don’t know they are conceited and they think that is the way to “prove” their confidence, but sometimes people can’t understand how terrible is hear all the time talking about themselves ,and how they can do feel bad to other people with their comments.