martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

do people like their first names?hwk

In fact, had you ever asked yourself about your name? You don’t think about changing it, would you like to do it? Maybe if I had the opportunity I‘d change my name Arlene to umh? Janeth or Madison… I don’t know because also I think that my name is original, I had never heard the same name only Arleth o Marlen o Arlem. People always get confused about my name.
Like in the text, when you are a child and you are in the school, if you have a funny name, kids always would be doing jokes about it, but with the pass of the time things change when you get to the youth, you could change of heart about it, and it feels better, sometimes our name have a meaning that usually we don’t know, many times people think that you are or have a personality according with your name, mostly if your name is popular.
In many cases Mexican families choose a strange or funny name for their children, mostly these situations occur in small towns where people give the names of their parent to their children like Tiburcio or Candelaria something like that...
Nowadays it’s a fashion among mothers to name their kids with famous people names, only to its sounds fashionable, So if you have a baby don’t call he/she like Catherine or Justin ‘cause is the same that “Catalina” or “Justo” , “Justino”.(jeje)So please give to your child two names,in this hand if one of this aren't nice the other could be usual.

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